A Journey of Love and Inspiration...
Formally established in 2013 in Jambi, PT. Fajar Impian Nusa Bangsa actually began with a language and cultural exchange club in 2010. In 2016, our headquarters were moved to Bandar Lampung in order to more effectively assist in the development of society through expanded language and culture exchange programs.
As Bandar Lampung is the gateway to Sumatra from the island of Java, it possesses both domestic and international business potential. By cooperating with these entities to help them improve their employees' ability in cross-cultural communication, we hope to have a greater impact on improving society at large. In addition to training offered to these companies and their employees, we also partner with many major universities in the area to help equip both their faculty and students for the future. Click here to see a list of our clients as well as groups we have partnered with in various community events.​
In addition to our flagship program, the Connect English Community, we currently offer over 15 different services in multiple program categories to address the needs of both individuals and institutions in Lampung .
Meet Our Staff:

Corporate Clients and
Community Partners
PKBI, Bandar Lampung
Direktorat Jendral BEA Cukai, Bandar Lampung
Auto 2000, Way Halim
PT Charoen Pokphand Tbk. Bandar Lampung
PT Sampoerna Agro Tbk., Bandar Lampung
Grab, Bandar Lampung
Muli Mekhanai, Bandar Lampung
GenRe, Provinsi Lampung
Just Speak, Bandar Lampung
GoGoCourse, Bandar Lampung
Mal Bumi Kedaton, Bandar Lampung
El's Coffee, Bandar Lampung
Golden Tulip Hotel, Bandar Lampung
SwissBel Hotel, Bandar Lampung
Alam Wawai, Bandar Lampung
Educational Clients
And Partners
Pusat Bahasa, UIN Raden Intan
Prodi Bahasa Inggris, UIN Raden Intan
Ma'had, UIN Raden Intan
Economic English Club, UNILA
Prodi Bahasa Inggris, UNILA
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, UNILA
IIB Darmajaya
Prodi Manajemen, Darmajaya
UKM Bahasa, Darmajaya
Keluarga Mahasiswa, ITERA
STKIP PGRI, Bandar Lampung
Wellington School, Bandar Lampung
SMA 5, Bandar Lampung
SMA BPK Penabur, Bandar Lampung
SMTI, Bandar Lampung
SMK Budi Utomo, Way Jepara
SMA Fransiskus, Bandar Lampung
SMP Doa Bangsa, Lampung Tengah
Sekolah Trinitas, Bandar Lampung
SD Mawar Sharon, Bandar Lampung
TK Permata Asri, Bandar Lampung
TK Telkom, Bandar Lampung
Palm Kids, Bandar Lampung